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iPhone configuration profiles can be removed quickly and easily on your iPhone OS device.

To delete a configuration profile:

  • Open Settings on your iPhone OS Device
  • Tap General
  • Tap Profiles
  • Select the appropriate profile
  • Tap Remove

Please note, removing a configuration profile will remove all installed settings associated with that profile.

A DUNS number is required by Apple when applying for any of their iOS Developer Program. DUNS was created by Dun and Bradstreet and is commonly used in North America, Europe and all over the world to establish business legitimacy. It can take 30 days to receive your DUNS, but don't worry, it is free of charge. Visit

To get an MDM push certificate, you do not need a DUNS number. All you'll need is a regular Apple ID. Apple's MDM page has more informationon generating your Apple MDM push certificate.

TARMAC includes a built-in Certificate Authority (CA) which can be used to automatically enroll both self-signed and trusted certificates (VeriSign, Entrust, etc) to end-user devices on the fly. Setting up this server takes very little time and is administered directly using the TARMAC Server admin interface.

If your infrastructure contains an existing Certificate Authority, TARMAC can connect to this. TARMAC supports Windows Server 2003 CA with the MSCEP Add-On or Windows Server 2008 CA with the NDES role, which will be used to enroll profile certificates without the need of the internal TARMAC CA.

In order to renew your digital signature, please take the following steps:

  • Go to the automatic configuration section
  • Click "Revert"
  • Click "Generate" to create a new digital signature.

Because a HTTPS certificate is an external certificate, please renew this with your provider and enter it into TARMAC afterwards.

After purchase, your TARMAC license can be activated via your equinux License Manager

To activate your licenses:

  • Enter the license you received from your reseller
  • Click on the license
  • Click Show License Code
  • Accept EULA
  • Copy and paste your license code into TARMAC

Stuck? Send us a message via our contact form.

Centralized configuration

Many security issues can be easily overlooked when users try to manually configure their devices. For example, storing service passwords in plain text using the Notes application or simply configuring their phone without a pass-code. TARMAC configures all settings centrally, ensuring the correct security features are enabled.

Restrict access

Security within your company is ensured by setting access restrictions and the enforcement of encrypted backups and password unlocks. TARMAC user profiles can also make very detailed requirements, must meet the criteria passwords in your organization. Determine whether your iPhone and iPad users can surf the web with the Safari Web browser, and if they can call offensive content. You can lock the app pre-installed YouTube or the iTunes Music Store and forbid to install additional programs. For employees in safety-sensitive environments, eg the camera can be locked and other restrictions are set.

Fast Distribution

Durch die zentrale Verteilung der Konfigurationsprofile können sie schneller auf Veränderungen und Bedrohungsszenarien Ihrer IT reagieren. Dauert es ohne TARMAC sehr lange bis alle Nutzer z.B. die neuen Sicherheitseinstellungen des Mailservers manuell geändert haben, kann dies mit TARMAC sofort erfolgen. Auch ein regelmäßiger Tausch beispielsweise des VPN Passworts oder des WLAN Passworts erfolgt nun zentral mit TARMAC.

Full Transparency

Durch den Verzicht auf eine Client-Software, die über den Apple App Store verteilt werden muss, ist der Weg von der Anmeldemaske bis zum fertigen Profil transparent und jederzeit überprüfbar. Der iPhone-Nutzer benötigt keinen Zugang zum Apple iTunes App Store um mit ihrem Unternehmen verbunden zu werden.

No locally stored data

TARMAC speichert nur die generellen Konfigurationsvorlagen. Alle Nutzerdaten werden zentral vom dem bestehenden Verzeichnisdienst abgefragt und nicht innerhalb von TARMAC gespeichert. TARMAC integriert sich in Ihre bestehende Serverlandschaft und dient als Vermittler zwischen ihrer bestehenden IT und den neuen Apple Mobilgeräten.

Remote wipe lost devices

TARMAC supports the possibility to remote wipe iPhones and iPads. If a device is stolen, you can wipe the phone via Mobile Device Management (MDM) . That way, there's no need to panic if a device is lost.

Data Protection

Mit TARMAC müssen iPhone-Nutzer ihre Geräte bei Updates nicht aus der Hand geben. Administratoren haben somit keinen Zugang zu lokalen Daten (z.B. privaten Emails, persönlichen Einstellungen, etc.). TARMAC garantiert höchsten Datenschutz.

  • Open the file /deployment/jboss/bin/service.bat in a text editor.
  • Go to line 66 and enter the desired memory size for the Xmx option, e.g. -Xmx2048M (default) or -Xmx3G.
  • Open the file /deployment/launcher/osx/ in a text editor.
  • Go to line 12 and enter the desired memory size for the Xmx option, e.g. -Xmx2048M (default) or -Xmx3G.
  • Open the file /config/tarmac.conf in a text editor.
  • Go to line 24 and enter the desired memory size for the JAVA_XMX variable, e.g. JAVA_XMX=2G (desired) or JAVA_XMX=4096M.

Please note that you need to apply this change after each TARMAC update and reinstallation.

The number of users which can access TARMAC is defined by the user license. Additional user licenses can be purchased at any time from your TARMAC reseller.

Users specified in the specified directory service may log in and download a provisioning profile at any time.

New users added to existing directory groups automatically receive a personalized profile when they log in to the TARMAC web interface. In the majority of cases, there is no extra effort required on the IT admin's part.

TARMAC can be used in conjunction with Microsoft Windows Server Certificate Authority with Web Enrollment Service. Microsoft Windows Server 2003 and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 are supported.

Using a Web Enrollment Server URL (e.g., an Exchange authentication certificate is automatically requested by the iOS device and directly integrated into the personalized configuration profile.

Yes. TARMAC's efficient nature and small footprint means it is highly suitable for installation on a virtual machine / server.

TARMAC is compatible with iOS 3, iOS 4 and iOS 5 mobile operating systems. Meaning TARMAC currently supports all iPad, iPhone and iPod touch devices.

Unterstützte Devices:

  • iPhone (running iPhone OS 3 and higher)
  • iPad (running iPhone OS 3 and higher)
  • iPod touch (running iPhone OS 3 and higher)

TARMAC sits as part of your existing IT infrastructure and can interface with a variety of different directory services.

Supported directory services

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 with Active Directory Domain Services (ADDS)
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2003 with Active Directory (AD)
  • Mac OS X Server 10.5 (Leopard) with Open Directory
  • Mac OS X Server 10.6 (Snow Leopard) with Open Directory
  • internal or external MySQL Server

You may also specify two or more directory services of the same kind to be used as contingency.

Yes! TARMAC supports iOS 4 devices from day one. As it is built to support Apple's standards, changes and new features are supported right away.

Find out more about the new enterprise features in iOS 4 and how they work with TARMAC.


TARMAC for Windows supports Windows Server 2012 and 2008 R2

Mac OS X

TARMAC Server can be installed on any Intel-based Mac running Mac OS X 10.7 or 10.8 Server.

Admin interface

Administration of TARMAC can be done using a CSS3 web browser on either Mac OS X, Windows or Linux. Currently tested browsers include: Safari 3.x or later (Mac & Win), Firefox 3.x or later (Mac & Win), Chrome (Mac & Win) and IE8 (Win).

Yes, TARMAC supports all the same settings and features of the Kerio Connect Mail Server that the iPhone itself supports.

Kerio uses Microsoft Active Sync and other open standards such as CardDAV. For this reason, the iPhone or iPad is able to use the gross majority of Kerio features, such as mail, contacts or calendar.

Security is key to TARMAC's operation. All administration and client-side deyploment is done over HTTP (80) or HTTPS (443) depending on your configuration. No other ports need to be open on the TARMAC server (unless you are using this server to host other services, of course).

Outgoing connections will be etablised to the Apple Push Notification Gateway ( at port 2195. Visit the iOS Developer Library for more information.

For connectivity problems with iOS devices please refer to the following support entry: Apple Push Notification service (APNs)

TARMAC allows you to not only import self-signed certificates but also those signed by a trusted third-party such as DigiCert, thawte or Entrust.

A trusted certificate can be used to sign HTTPS connections, individual user configuration profiles and/or used during SCEP enrollment.

No. Apple's recent documentation introduces several different iPhone installation scenarios. Over-the-Air enrollment is the most relevant for enterprise device deployment. At the heart of this solution is a so called "Profile Web Service". Apple clearly states they do not provide this service.

Apple Documentation April 2010 ('iPad in Business - Deployment Scenarios and Device Configuration Overview')
"To implement this process, you will need to develop a profile service—an HTTP-based service that manages iPad connections through- out the process, generates configuration profiles for the user, and verifies user credentials along the way."

TARMAC is such a Profile Web Service, which can be used to deploy iPhones and iPads at your workplace along with many other features.

The software we sell on our website and the version sold on the App Store offer the same design features and purchase options.

There are only two differences:

1. The equinux Online Store will always provide you with a proper purchase invoice, which can be useful for you if claiming the purchase against your taxes.

2. You can access the beta version when you purchase from the equinux Online Store. When you purchase through the Mac App store, you will not have access to the beta version.
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